- Korucu M.K., Kucukoglu I., A two-stage optimization approach for big-scale problems in long-term planning of municipal solid waste management systems, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 27, 511-529, 2025
- Kucukoglu I., Korucu M.K., A nonlinear programming model for long-term planning of municipal solid waste management systems: The desire for global optima, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 29, 1131-1149, 2024
- Kucukoglu I., Vanteenwegen P., Cattrysse D., The traveling purchaser problem for perishable foods, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 195, 110424, 2024
- Korucu M.K., Kucukoglu I., Optimization models for long-term planning of municipal solid waste management systems: A review with an emphasis on mass balances, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 43(1), 1-15, 2024
- Kucukoglu I., Ozturk N., A new hybrid genetic algorithm to optimize distribution and operational plans for cross-docking satellites, Soft Computing, 27, 18723-18738, 2023
- Kucukoglu I., The traveling purchaser problem with fast service option, Computers and Operations Research, 141, 105700, 2022
- Kucukoglu I., Dewil R., Cattrysse D., The electric vehicle routing problem and its variations: A literature review, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 161, 107650, 2021
- Küçükoğlu İ., Öztürk N., A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for the vehicle routing and packing problem with cross-docking, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30, 2927-2943, 2019
- Küçükoğlu İ., Dewil R., Cattrysse D., Hybrid simulated annealing and tabu search method for the electric travelling salesman problem with time windows and mixed charging rates, Expert Systems with Applications, 134, 279-303, 2019
- Küçükoğlu İ., Adaptive electromagnetic field optimization algorithm for the Solar cell parameter identification problem, International Journal of Photoenergy, 1-16, 2019
- Reginald D., Küçükoğlu İ., Luteyn C., Cattrysse D., A critical review of multi-hole drilling path optimization, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 26, 449-459, 2019
- Kucukoglu I., Atici-Ulusu H., Gündüz T., Tokçalar Ö., Application of the artificial neural network method to detect defective assembling processes by using a wearable technology, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 49, 163-171, 2018
- Küçükoğlu İ. Öztürk N., Two-stage optimisation method for material flow and allocation management in cross-docking networks, International Journal of Production Research, 55(2), 410-429, 2017
- Ene S., Küçükoğlu İ., Aksoy A., Öztürk N., A genetic algorithm for minimizing energy consumption in warehouses, Energy, 114, 973-980, 2016
- Ene S., Küçükoğlu İ., Aksoy A., Öztürk N., A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the green vehicle routing problem with a heterogeneous fleet, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 71(1/2/3/4), 75-102, 2016
- Küçükoğlu İ. Öztürk N., An advanced hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls and time windows, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 86, 60-68, 2015
- Küçükoğlu İ. Ene S., Aksoy A., Öztürk N., A memory structure adapted simulated annealing algorithm for a green vehicle routing problem, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 22(5), 3279-3297, 2015
- Küçükoğlu İ., Öztürk N., A differential evolution approach for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls and time windows, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 48(8), 942-956, 2014
Diğer İndekslerde Taranan aranan Dergilerde Basılan Makalele
- Küçükoğlu İ., A two-phase solution approach for the traveling purchaser problem in cold chain logistics, Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, 10(3), 929-942, 2022
- Kucukoglu I., Gunduz T., Balkancioglu F., Topal E.C., Sayim O., Application of precedence constrained travelling salesman problem model for tool path optimization in CNC milling machines, An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications, 9(3), 59-68, 2019
- Aksoy A., Ene Yalçın S., Küçükoğlu İ., Öztürk N., Open vehicle routing optimization for electric trucks, Uludag University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, 23(4), 1-10, 2018
- Küçükoğlu İ., Yağmahan B., Çağlıyan M.S., Yıldız A., Aktokluk D., Mathematical model approach for material supply in-plant logistics system: A case study, Uludag University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, 23(4), 159-176, 2018
- Küçükoğlu İ., Yağmahan B., Onaylı A., Çayhan E.D., Ünal M., Application of goal programming integrated multi-criteria decision making approaches for the stock area selection problem of an automotive company, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 6, 187-198, 2017
- Küçükoğlu İ., Öztürk N., A mathematical model for truck-door assignment and product placement problem in cross-docking center, Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 7(1), 135-142, 2017
- Küçükoğlu İ., Yurtkuran A., Heuristic and genetic algorithm approaches to the real-world university examination timetabling problem, Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 7(1), 143-151, 2017
- Küçükoğlu İ., Zümbülova D., Reyhan K., Görgülü S., Öztürk N., A mathematical model for the route optimization of service vehicles, Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 7(1), 152-158, 2017
- Küçükoğlu İ. Öztürk N., Route optimization of the electric vehicles with heterogeneous fleet, Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, 12(3), 525-533, 2016
- Küçükoğlu İ., The effects of crossdock shapes on material handling costs, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 6(10), 1-5, 2016
- Küçükoğlu İ., Differential evolution algorithm for gear ratio optimization of vehicles, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, 6(10), 29-33, 2016.
- Aksoy A., Küçükoğlu İ., Ene S., Öztürk N., Integrated emission and fuel consumption calculation model for green supply chain management, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109(1), 1106 – 1109, 2014
- Küçükoğlu İ., Öztürk N., Simulated annealing approach for transportation problem of cross-docking network design, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109(1), 1180 – 1184, 2014
- Yıldız T., Özalp B.T., Küçükoğlu İ., Yurtkuran A., Öztürk N., A linear programming approach for parallel cell scheduling with sequence-dependent setup times, American Journal of Operations Research, 4(3), 155 – 163, 2014
- Küçükoğlu İ., Aksoy A., Ene S., Öztürk N., A mathematical model for two dimensional loading problem in cross-docking network design, Mathematical & Computational Applications, 18(3), 273-282, 2013
- Küçükoğlu İ., Ene S., Aksoy A., Öztürk N., A green capacitated vehicle routing problem with fuel consumption optimization model, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 3(7), 16-23, 2013